This year's Vacation Bible School will take place June 10th - 13th from 9 AM - 12 PM each day on the Little Church on the Lane campus. This year's curriculum will study various biblical principles we can learn about God's Faithfulness drawing on examples from the life of Joseph.
Registration is now open! You can register your child online using our web form below. If you have any questions, please reach out to our VBS Co-Leaders (listed above)
The fees for 2019 VBS are $20 per child payable by check or cash to the Little Church on the Lane office.
Please return your completed application with payment to the church office. All payments should be to Valerie Kight’s attention with your child(ren)’s names and VBS clearly indicated in the memo line of your check or envelope.
Volunteer Information
Little Church on the Lane welcomes volunteers and offers service hours to high school, college students, and others who may be in need. If you are interested in volunteering for LCOL Vacation Bible School please reach out to our Co-Leaders.
Theme & Curriculum: Farm Fresh Faith
This year's theme features 5 biblical principles revolving around the central theme of God's Faithfulness to Joseph explored through the eyes of our farmyard friends: Faithful the horse, Blessed the chicken, Patience the pig, Hopeful the sheep and Promise the cow.
With these new friends from the farm, students and teachers embark on a journey through the life of Joseph and find that God is faithful through all of life’s adventures. This VBS curriculum uses the life of Joseph as an example for students to follow. Joseph’s life was full of ups and downs, highs and lows, good and bad; yet, Joseph continued to trust in God through it all. Though at times it might seem to us that God abandoned Joseph, in the end we clearly see God was always faithful, and He is worthy of our trust.
Check out information and a teaser video for Farm Fresh FAITH